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Tokyo Bay

  • 75% of Japan's land surface is mountainous and unsuitable for settlement.

  • In the 20th century, land reclamation was due to providing land for agriculture.

  • The prime motivators were urbanisation and industrial development.

  • Between 1950 and the oil crisis of 1973, roughly 110,000 hectares of new land was created around Tokyo Bay.

  • This is to accommodate for the cities around Tokyo which has a population of 25million 

  • The land was used for:

    1. Port installations,

    2. Heavy industrial developments i.e. oil refineries & steel work,

    3. Housing,

    4. Commercials services,

    5. Airport expansion,

    6. Physical infrastructure i.e. sewage treatment works & electricity generating stations

  • Mid 1970s land reclamation decreased because:

    • Economic growth slowed down.

    • Pollution of water due to landfills used in some reclamation work.

    • The vulnerability of low-lying ground to tsunamis.

    • environmental concern that the lost mudflat habitat and its wildlife should be restorted.


Coastal reclamation around Tokyo Bay
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